Call us on 01844 215 555 or Clinic Mobile 07722 381 250
Reflexology is a complementary therapy which works on the feet or hands to help heal the whole person not just the current symptoms.
Reflexology is ideal for treating and preventing stress related problems. Not only does it treat the immediate physical condition but it is also very relaxing thereby helping to treat the root cause of stress and anxiety. It can also bring relief from a wide spectrum of acute and chronic conditions including those related to:
Depression and anxiety
PMS, infertility, pregnancy, the menopause
Digestive disorders eg. constipation, Irritable Bowel
SyndromeSleep disorders, headaches, migraines
Musculo-skeletal problems, injuries and non-specific
back pain, and whiplashSide effects of cancer treatment
Reflexology can be a treatment in itself or can complement existing prescribed medication or treatment. It is also used as part of a long term health and fitness plan. A series of regular treatments is recommended eg. 4-6 and then a review of progress.
Our Practitioners: